Half Day Tour Levada Das Queimadas

With this tour you will enjoy nature.

has a duration of 1h30 the route for each side.

you will go for a walk in nature, relax and have a very different time. We will follow up all the time.

At the end of the route there is a café and we can sit down for a while and relax.

Itinerary to do in Funchal

The 2.1Km course, with a duration of 45 minutes, offers people with motor and visual disabilities to enjoy direct contact with Nature, taking place along the Levada do Caldeirão Verde.

This trail runs along the esplanade of the Levada do Caldeirão Verde between the Queimadas and Pico das Pedras Forest Parks, in the municipality of Santana.

Along the route it is possible to follow a transition forest patch between the natural forest of Madeira (Laurissilva forest) and the exotic forest (trees introduced by man on this island).

The sound of running water, the smell of wet earth, the characteristic humidity of the forest and the warmth of the sun when it crosses it, awaken all the senses, leading the walker into deep contact with the natural space.

In the Queimadas Forest Park there is the Casa de Abrigo das Queimadas, a house that maintains the original characteristics of the Typical Houses of Santana, with a spectacular thatched roof.

Highlights to see in Half Day Tour Levada Das Queimadas

  • Off Road Tour
  • Levada Tour
  • Levada
  • Madeira Island
  • Nature


5 hours
Guide in Spanish and English

Adultos: 250.00 €

Availability and starting time

09:00 - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

When to book?
You can reserve up to before the activity
Free cancellation
Cancel anytime for a full refund.


Mini Van Adapetd
Off Road Wheelchair
Risk insurance
1 Participación en Premios Mensuales: Ver Premios


Meals and drinks
Tickets to visit the inside of the monuments.

Meeting point

Please send Hotel you stay


Is the interior of the monuments visited?
Exterior and interior of most named sites
Is the tour adapted for people with reduced mobility?
Fully adapted
Guaranteed departures without min of travelers
Are animals allowed?
Activity recommended for children?
Yes, families are welcome

Our promises

Best price guaranteed
Quick and easy reservation
Multilingual Customer Service
Secure payment

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Half Day Tour Levada Das Queimadas

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