
Best experiences, free tours and excursions in Burgos

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Best things to do and see in Burgos?

Did you know that the city of Burgos, located in Castilla y León, has three cultural assets declared World Heritage Sites? Our excursions and tours around the city will take you to discover them and learn more about them, will you join us?

One of these cultural assets is the Cathedral of Burgos, the first Gothic-style cathedral to be built in the Iberian Peninsula. Another of the most emblematic monuments of the city of El Cid Campeador is the arch of Santa María, which, in the Middle Ages, was one of the twelve entrance gates to the city. This connects the Santa María bridge, located over the Arlanzón river, with the Plaza del Rey San Fernando, where the Cathedral is located.

Our free tours will take you to discover the city, and one of the best views you can get of it is from the viewpoint of the Castillo de Burgos, in front of the church of San Esteban, which offers a beautiful panoramic view of the city and all the most important monuments that make it up.

The Paseo del Espolón is the most popular wooded and landscaped walk in the town. The guided tours that we offer will make you enjoy what is known as the Burgos “living room”. We will also visit, with our free tours, the Casa del Cordón, which dates back to the 15th century, and is located in the Plaza de la Libertad.

The Monastery of Las Huelgas, for its part, houses perfectly preserved medieval dresses and fabrics. But, in addition to the historical buildings, it is essential to visit the Museum of Human Evolution. Our guides in Spanish will take you to discover this space that houses archaeological remains from the Sierra de Atapuerca.

On the outskirts of Burgos, a few kilometers from the city, you cannot miss Santo Domingo de Silos, the Cartuja de Miraflores and Orbaneja del Castillo.

We want you to have "Your best journey" with our best Free Tours in Burgos!

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