Win prizes by enjoying an activity
From Yoorney we are madly in love with our sector, that travelers live experiences, that gifts are always trips or activities, that's why we want to give away 2 experiences every month to enjoy with your favorite companion!!!!
The more activities you book, the more entries to win!
How do I enter to win prizes?
What are the prizes?
Monthly prizes:
(Redeemable until March 1, 2024 at your preferred destination)
January: 2 tickets + guided visit to a museum
February: 2 tickets for a spa with massage (maximum per person €70)
March: 2 tickets to the tourist bus
April: 2 tickets for a monologue
May: paid excursion in yoorney
June: 2 Theme Park Tickets
July: 2 diving courses
August: 2 tickets to a water park
September: Yoorney boat activity for 2 people
October: 2 tickets for a musical (maximum per person €70)
December: 2 tickets for a play (maximum per person €70)
Annual raffle prize:
1 check for a cruise with an approximate value of €3000
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