Privacy Policy


Address: Baarerstrasse, 75 ; 6300 Zug, Switzerland

Co. reg. no. CHE-403.078.756

Contact email:

  • Visiting this website does not imply that users are required to provide any information about themselves, beyond the information acquired accepting the use of cookies on our site (for further information, please read the cookies policy). In case any data is needed to be collected, there will be indicated a voluntary or obligatory character of the requested information. The refusal to provide information indicated as obligatory will signify that the user won't be able to get the provided services. Likewise, data may be provided voluntarily in order to offer optimum services.
  • For legal effects of the 15/1999 Public General Act of Parliament dated December 13th on Personal Data Protection, FREETOUR.COM informs you that all personal data voluntary passed to us when filling in any forms will be incorporated in a confidential way into a computer file, which is duly inscribed in the General Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, in order to:
    • Offering information and the services published on the site.
    • Managing the operations of purchase and reservations of services.
    • Managing marketing campaigns, always under your permission, which includes sending emails, only regarding to offers and promotions that could be interesting for you, after the study and segmentation of your personal information.
    • Allowing a customised experience on our site and optimizing the use of the user’s profile.
  • Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, outside the information required to provide you with a good terms of use and assuming any legal liability or responsibility and we will conserve them during one year after any sign of interest by any party, when we will proceed to cancel it. Anyway, if there would be any intent of assignment of your personal details on our part, you would be previously informed.
  • The User expressly accepts the inclusion of data collected while browsing the site, or provided by filling in any form, including those arising from commercial and / or delivery of products purchased, in its automated data personal character referred to above. During the data collection process, the user will be informed of the mandatory or non-collection of such data for the delivery of our services.
  • FREETOUR.COM will make the necessary mechanisms available to users included on the website's mailing list so that they can delete their details from the list.
  • FREETOUR.COM undertakes, for its part, to establish appropriate procedures and safeguards as regards confidentiality, in order to protect the information provided by the users.
  • Users whose details have been registered are entitled, free of charge, to object to, access, rectify and cancel their data. They can also withdraw their authorization without retroactive effect according to the terms contained in "Ley Orgánica" (Spanish Law) 15/1999, regarding Personal Data Protection, in accordance with legally established procedures or:
    • • Sending your application, together with the documents accrediting your identity to the following address:


    • Sending an email to including your digital signature on your National Identity Card. In this case is not required any accrediting documents.

If the user thinks his rights have been ignored or violated, you can make a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency. 

For any further information or questions, you can contact us via email:

  • The user is informed about the use of his required details to send the application, may include the online communication (email, telephone, etc.), as no consideration is required from you.
  • We also inform you that, in order to register and verify your identity delivered during this process, and information provided by users and customer may be affirmed by information managers in order to avoid the false or fraudulent use of information.

Actualización Protección de datos

  • Completando el formulario de registro o de contacto, así cómo formalizando una reserva, recogeremos sus datos como nombre, email y teléfono y podremos enviarle un correo electrónico, llamando por teléfono o por whatsapp. 
  • Estos datos se utilizan para responder a su solicitud o consulta a la mayor brevedad posible y para comunicarnos comercialmente, porque usted nos los proporciona informada y libremente con esas finalidades.
  • Si usted nos proporciona un currículum sus datos se utilizarán para incorporarlo a presentes y futuros procesos selectivos en nuestra empresa y para comunicarnos con usted incluso por medios electrónicos en relación con su candidatura.
  • Para otros tratamientos o finalidades relacionados con la prestación de nuestros servicios o el desarrollo de nuestra actividad, usted puede solicitar más información en nuestra dirección de contacto.
  • Los datos personales recogidos en nuestra página web son tratados cumpliendo con las exigencias del Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos.
  • Así mismo, garantizamos que los datos personales son tratados de manera lícita, leal y transparente, y son recogidos con fines determinados, explícitos y legítimos, manteniéndose limitados a dichos fines y actualizados si fuera necesario. No se permitirá la identificación de los interesados durante más tiempo del necesario y se garantizará su seguridad mediante las medidas técnicas y organizativas adecuadas.
  • Una vez los datos no sean necesarios para los fines con los que fueron recogidos, se conservarán a disposición de las administraciones públicas competentes durante los plazos legales de conservación, es decir mientras una ley nos pueda exigir que los presentemos. Expirados estos plazos serán suprimidos.
  • Puede ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición así como los demás derechos que le otorga la normativa de protección de datos sobre los datos de carácter personal presentando una copia de un documento identificativo en nuestra dirección del Aviso Legal.
  • Puede encontrar más información sobre sus derechos o presentar una reclamación ante la autoridad de control competente en la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos - C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 - Madrid (901 100 099 - 912 663 517).

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