Let us show you the unknown, which you would never visit without the help of a specialist.
The old mausoleums will take you to know the enigmatic funeral rites of the ancient Roman “Corduba”. Under ground we will find what has come to us from the ancient Roman Theater, the one that was the largest in all of Hispania, and which competed in length with the Marcelo Theater in Rome.
Medieval chronicles say that there were more than a thousand public baths in the Córdoba of Califa Alhakén II, the one called by many “city of a million inhabitants”. We will visit one of those Arab baths, known as a hammam. We will know their stories, and how, through vicissitudes of fate, we have managed to make them reach our days.
Legends and mysteries will not be missing on our way.
Do you dare to discover the other Córdoba, that city hidden before our eyes and whose secrets we are willing to reveal? Don't think twice and enjoy a unique experience.