Discover the charm of a World Heritage city by moonlight. You will be amazed at how much Cuenca changes at night, transforming into a city that will immerse you in the medieval era. Don't miss it!
We will start at the fountain in the Plaza Mayor, opposite the Cathedral. The first part of the tour will be going up the Ronda del Júcar street until we reach the church of San Pedro, the first church in the city, and the historic castle building, seat of the Inquisition court, later prison and now historical archive of Cuenca. We will go down the Ronda del Huécar (today, Ronda de Julián Romero street) to the Plaza Mayor, where we will explain the history of the Cathedral, our main monument, and we will go to the end of the tour, the Hanging Houses and the San Pablo bridge. NOTE 1: the tour can be done with a child's stroller, but it is much more comfortable to carry a backpack with the little ones, since in some sections there will be stairs. NOTE 2: it is a complementary tour to "Maravilla Diurna", since 90% of it is different. Itinerary: - Fountain in the Plaza Mayor (start) - Ronda del Júcar and viewpoints of the sickle - Plaza del Trabuco and the church of San Pedro and Santiago - Former prison of the Inquisition (castle) - Calle Ronda del Huécar - Plaza Mayor - Hanging Houses and San Pablo bridge
Fuente del Pilón, Plaza Mayor, 16001, Cuenca