Do you already know all the monuments of Toledo? If you want to go further, you still have to explore the most hidden face of the city. Underground, numerous secrets await you, ranging from the ancient Roman Empire to the end of the Middle Ages. Come with us to discover them. Some of these archaeological spaces can only be visited with an official guide.
From the Plaza de Zocodover we will wander around in search of five subways to learn about the exciting history of the different civilizations that have populated Toledo.
The trip will begin in the Middle Ages, visiting the only dungeons that are preserved in the city: those of the Holy Brotherhood. There you will relive what the prisoners' day-to-day was like and you will meet the Green Sleeves, their jailers.
We will continue on our way to reconnect with Tulaytula, the Muslim Toledo, from which we preserve the Baños del Cenizal and the Baños del Ángel. Hygiene practices, religious rituals and social relationships in one place: the hamman.
Do you know the difference between a well and a cistern? Well, El Salvador has both in one! Both options were essential to have drinking water at the top of the Toledo rock. The simplest thing was to collect rainwater, but what about when we went through a stage of drought? Let's go down inside to answer all these questions.
The Roman baths of ancient Toletum, one of the largest in Hispania, will be the end of this walk through the underground of Toledo. Are you going to miss it?