I booked the tour the day before and messaged on this app to let them know that the WhatsApp number I entered was missing the last digit as there wasn't space for it. I needn't have worried because the next time I heard from them I was already waiting at the pick up location. They messaged to say "I wasn't aware of the reservation, so I won't make it" they also recommended some other tour guides I could use. The fact is that I had extended my stay in Campeche by a night to go to Edzná and by the time they let me know I wasn't able to organise something else. I have seen that 9% of the walking tours have also been cancelled by this same company. I wouldn't expect them to go if it wasn't financially viable but letting me know on the same day is simply not good enough. If they hadn't seen my booking, which I find hard to believe, as I received an email for each message. Then they are not paying enough attention to be a company worth using. I suspect that they were hoping there would be enough people to make money from it. But it wasn't so they pretended not to have seen it and did the bare minimum of sending me a message to let me know. If you want to actually go, book with someone else.