Free Tour of Södermalm & Viewpoints - Hipster Island

On our Free Södermalm Hipster Tour and come with us for a beautiful walk around Södermalm, the most modern, hipster, and trendiest area of the South Island.

Things to do Free Tour of Södermalm & Viewpoints - Hipster Island

The south-island of Stockholm has evolved from being the industrial area of the city to a cultural mix of art, environmental development, religious acceptance and social awareness. On this tour we will enjoy the views of Stockholm from several landscape points, talk about culture, walk around beautiful gardens full of sculptures, mingle with the locals… Södermalm is a prime example for every European city to follow: the perfect combination of social acceptance, cultural flow, economic power and green development. We will start at Thor's fountain and talk about Viking mythology, as it's the cradle of Swedish culture. This way, the cultural evolution of the city will be understood from its roots.


Indian Street Food & Co

Meeting point

By Thor Statue on Mariatorget Square, metro station of Mariatorget.

Reviews (132)

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