A unique free walking tour to explore and discover more about from the Vikings to actual Vikings with a touch of humor what characterizes us in our activity.
Disclaimer before you book: Please note we do stand-up comedy. You need to understand English better than a Scottish toddler to get anything out of the tour. Get dazzled on Scandinavia's #1-rated tour. Denmark may appear to have only one season (dreary!), but we can put a spring in your step! Learn the city's politically incorrect yet factual stories and laugh while walking the streets where those stories were made. In 90 minutes, you will walk the same cobblestoned streets as Hans Christian Andersen and hear stories about historic Denmark and quirky anecdotes about Copenhagen today. There’ll be some lore, gore, and tales of princes and perversions, gratification, and tax equations. Learn everything you need to know– and just as importantly, what to avoid! One thousand years of history in 90 minutes. Save your phone battery; our guides have built-in GPS. Please show up 10 minutes before the start of the tour; we start exactly on time. Bookings resulting in groups of more than six people traveling together will be charged 15 EUR per person or rejected from joining. Tour can last anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hours.
Gammelstrand Metro