An interesting walking tour in the historical centre of Vladivostok. After the tour, there will be no doubt about why Vladivostok was chosen as the main port in the Russian Far East.
Things to do Tour "Vladivostok is a City by the Sea"
The tour route (might be optional)
From the main city square —> to a viaduct to the Railway station square
—> at the 1st Morskaya Street to the Vladivostok’s city centre and to the monument to S. Makarov
—> to the tiger monument and to the “Ocean” cinema. After that, from the Sportivnaya Embankment to the ex-aquarium building and to the Museum “Vladivostok fortress”
—>then, to the battery-monument to police officers who died in hot spots
—> walking to “Millionka” along the SemenovskayaStreet
—> then, along the Aleut road to the intersection with Svetlanskaya Street
—> along Svetlana up to the monument to the Sailors of the merchant fleet. Walking to the Eastern University
—> to the monument to G. Nevelskoy and then to the Korabelnaya Embankment
Primorsky State Museum named after V. K. Arsenyev
The Museum “Vladivostok fortress”
Meeting point