INCREDIBLE AND SENSATIONAL! Discover the best kept secrets. Listen to the most incredible stories of the city and learn all about the darkest times of the past. The underground city, body snatchers and a lot of other anecdotes.
18:30 DAVID HUME STATUE – Royal Mile. Complete your visit to Edinburgh and do not hesitate to join the Ghost Tour. Discover the dark side of the city and how its inhabitants lived in it. Get to know the most incredible stories ever told, the underground city and its enchanted places. We tell you true facts, unique for their paranormal nature and much more! Route: - Burke & Hare – the West Harbor Killers - The hunting and burning of witches - Kidnappers of corpses and burials in life - Cannibals of Edinburgh - Canongate Church and Mausoleum - The best view of the Old City - Abraham Lincoln and the Lighthouse of Souls - Calton Hill Cemetery - Arthur's Seat and the mystery of the 17 doll coffins.
Estatua David Hume