Know the most prominent places in the capital of Greece while we immerse ourselves in its history and curiosities during this guided tour by Athens.
The rich historical and cultural heritage of Athens awaits you in our Free Tour Athens essential, in which an expert in Spanish will accompany you through the main corners and will tell you every detail of a city that is considered the cradle of Western civilization.
We will start our walk in front of the old National Library, a building that is part of the “National Triada”, together with the Kapodistry University and the Athens Academy, which we will see below. Here we will know why these constructions were key projects in the contemporary history of Greece.
We will be surprised with the peculiarities of the Greek presidential guard, the Evzones, while we observed the great building of Parliament and the Syntagma square, a place full of life and highly valued by the Athenian neighbors. Very close we can find an extensive park where plants of different species abound, the National Garden of Athens.
Our walk continues until reaching the Zappeion and the Kallimármaro, also known as Panathinaikó stadium, two unique structures that are closely linked to the history of the Olympic Games.
Near the Olympic village we can find two great examples of the greatness of ancient Greece, the arch of Adriano and the Temple of Zeus, the greatest of his time. We will travel the oldest street in Europe, Tripodon, located in the Plaka neighborhood, where we will also find some unique monuments, such as the Lisícrates flashlight.
We will advance through the Roman Agora and discover the different uses that the Greeks and Romans gave to this type of public space. We will be surprised by how, among the vestiges of other buildings, the wind tower stands out almost intact. A few meters we find the remains of the Adriano Library, an institution that at its time guarded works of incalculable value.
We will end our visit in a true meeting point for Athenians and visitors, the Monastiraki Square. A corner that perfectly stages the different stages of the history of the city and that will welcome us to culminate this Free Tour Athens essential. Book your place already!