Join the Musa adventure, created in January 2009 in Manaus. Discover the fascinating flora and fauna of a jungle studied for 60 years. Let yourself be surprised by what Musa wants to show you.
At the Muse, there are exhibitions, an orchid and bromeliad nursery, ponds, aquariums, and experimental laboratories for snakes, insects, and butterflies. A tower with 242 steps allows you to enjoy a magnificent view of the treetops, unforgettable when seen at six in the morning. Forest trails offer visitors pleasant walks and incredible discoveries.
At Musa, research is carried out to disseminate and popularize science and scientific and cultural education. A house of culture and science, coexistence and celebration of the diversity of being in the world, come and live this beautiful experience you've never had before.
We would like to inform travelers that our summer season starts in August and runs until the beginning of November. Winter starts at the end of November and runs until the end of July, so don't forget your sunscreen and raincoat.