Travel guide: What to see and do in Cuenca



1 - 3 days in Cuenca: The best things to do and visit

Cuenca is unique, this is the slogan and how this city is known, which attracts its visitors for its tourist offer, its delicious gastronomy and historical and cultural heritage.

It is one of the great unknown of Castilla-La Mancha, it is a perfect destination to explore on foot. The capital of Cuenca has been a place inhabited by dinosaurs, as by the first settlers in Prehistory, passing through the Romans, Andalusis, until reaching our days.

It has a beach! Curious, why? Something that leaves no one indifferent. Its Serranía has an area of 73,000 hectares, and since 2007 it has been the Serranía de Cuenca Natural Park. On this walk through the city of Cuenca you will discover everything that this historic World Heritage city has to offer.

How to plan my visit to Cuenca?

At Yoorney we have local tour guides who offer you the best selection of guided tours, free tours and excursions in Cuenca and in other cities around the world. A different and fun way to discover a city.

One of the biggest challenges of traveling is to really get to know everything you want about your next destination. We take care of that and show you each spot in a special way that makes you feel not just like another simple tourist.

¡Hey Yoorner!  In the mood for adventures? Visit the city in a different way with our Free Walking Tour in Cuenca!


Why visit Cuenca?

If you have in mind going to the capital of Cuenca, do you want to know the essential places to visit in Cuenca? This city houses a past of millions of years, a rich and very important history. Since the Upper Paleolithic there was already a population settlement, during Roman times the Serranía Cuenca was involved in different Celtiberian wars. It is true that there were three important Roman cities in the province: Segóbriga, Ercávica and Valeria, which meant that the Cuenca capital was sparsely populated.

During the Islamic expansion it will be when it takes Cuenca as such, since since 784 the city of Qunka or Kunka existed. The geographer Al-Idrisi said of her "Cuenca is a small, but old town. It is located near an artificial pond and surrounded by walls but without suburbs."

It is surrounded by spectacular landscapes, pink hills that are bordered by the gorges of Júcar and Huécar, by its mountains and its vertigo constructions, make it UNIQUE. Within Cuenca there are other tourist destinations that attract the attention of travelers, such as El Monasterio de Uclés, Las Torcas. These are the essential places to see and visit in Cuenca in 3 days (or a weekend getaway). Take note!

Cuenca: Top 12 things to do and must-see attractions 

1. Las Casas Colgadas 


It is the symbol of the city! And where we must emphasize that they are HANGING HOUSES, because as the humorist from Cuenca José Luis Coll said, when someone did not call them correctly, "The houses are hung, and the snot are hanging."

They are a set of civil buildings built in the Hoz del Río Huécar, they are suspended in the rock. About their origin, there are some doubts, some consider that they are of Andalusian origin and others, medieval. It is known that they already existed in the 14th and 15th centuries. Its architecture is very similar to that of other buildings in the city. The Hanging Houses are in the Gothic style, with characteristic bars. While it is true, it is curious that the balconies were built in 1927, after the houses.
They say that they were known as the Houses of the Kings, because it would be here where they would stay when they were in the city. Although they sheltered kings, they were homes that welcomed poor people. The houses have been used as private homes. Eight of the houses withstood until the 1920s.

In the 60s the City Council decided to acquire the three remaining houses, to prevent them from being lost, they were restored and remaining as we see them today. The houses that are still standing are: the Casa de la Sirena (a legend in it ... but we let you discover them in situ) that houses an inn with views of the sickle that are impressive. And Las Casas del Rey is the headquarters of the Spanish Abstract Art Museum, founded by Fernando Zóbel
To get to the Hanging Houses we advise you (if you are not afraid of heights) that you do it by the most interesting and spectacular path, crossing the San Pablo Bridge, another of the hallmarks of the city, which was built in the century XVI, composed of five arches of rough pillars, and was made to bridge the existing gap and join the Convent of San Pablo (current Parador de Turismo, which can be seen, if you stay or make use of the restaurant or cafeteria), which is on the left bank of the river and the city as such is on the right.

Two hundred years after its construction it collapsed, and was rebuilt in 1903 in iron and wood, they remain with the appearance we see today, there are still some remains of the original. It is a bridge 100 meters long and 60 meters long. Crossing it is an exceptional experience, since from this place there is a panoramic view that includes the San Martín neighborhood to the Castillo neighborhood (upper part). Moreover, from this place the best photos of the Hanging Houses are taken.

2. Plaza Mayor 

It is the heart of the historic center of Cuenca, it is one of the points through which you will pass safely, because apart from the fact that different labyrinthine streets and squares converge, there are some of the most important buildings in the city, such as:
  • Town Hall: Close the square, the access from the lower part is maintained through its three characteristic arches, it is something peculiar, which was a challenge on the part of the architect (Jaime Bort). It is in the Baroque style, and on this arch two more rococo-style bodies rise.
  • Episcopal Palace: A large building, which is adjacent to the Cathedral. Construction began in the thirteenth century, and expanded during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. In the 18th century the main façade was built in a neoclassical style. In one of its parts we find the Diocesan Cathedral Museum of Cuenca.
  • Convent of Las Petras: Baroque building, made in the 16th century, with a very peculiar pink color and is finished off by a huge dome. What I create a set without equal.

3. Cuenca Cathedral



Mandatory stopping place in Cuenca. After the Christian conquest of the city on September 21, 1177, King Alfonso VIII ordered that the Mosque be consecrated and converted to Christian worship. In 1183 the city is constituted as an episcopal see.

The main temple of the Cuenca capital. He presides and stands out in the Playa Mayor, and where such emblematic acts take place, such as the song of the miserere on Good Friday at the end of the Camino del Calvario procession, popularly known as Las Turbas.

What to see and do in the Cathedral of Cuenca?

The Cathedral of Cuenca was consecrated in 1196 by Saint Julian, second bishop of the city, when he was still in the initial works.

Considered the first Gothic style to be carried out in Castile, it was definitively consecrated to Santa María in 1208 by Bishop Rodrigo Ximénez de Rada.

A few years after the Christian conquest of the city, the temple began to be built. By 1208 the High Altar was already consecrated, a fact that suggests that the head should have been completed in that year. Eleanor of Aquitaine and Plantagenet, managed to induce French architects to participate in the factory, so the building is included in the First French Gothic (12th century).

Architecture and interior of the Cathedral of Cuenca

Originally the church had a chevet with five staggered apses, where the central one is the most developed, but in the 15th century it was going to undergo important transformations. This ship was attached to another perpendicular headed, with a body of three naces. In the transept, an octopartite vault would be erected, which will serve as a supporting base for the Torre del Ángel, which has a square base and an octagonal base in the upper part.

Externally, the Cathedral has undergone numerous transformations, the one that stands out the most is that of the main neo-Gothic façade, made at the beginning of the 20th century, with original Gothic components and 17th century barracks.

At the beginning of the 20th century the Torre del Giraldo collapsed, with this, part of the facade was taken away, and for this reason a new project of enclosure of the ships arose that was not seen to completion, it is more, it can be seen in towers that are unfinished and some ornamental elements.

The façade is imposing, with three pointed arch doors and at the top also pointed arches and a central rose window, which is topped by a porticoed gallery. In the lateral naves the windows are circular, as in the central nave.

The Cathedral of Cuenca is perfectly adapted to the city, it is an exemplary and magnificent work, a sample of art and history.

Yoorney Tips!Learn about the curiosities of the place with a local guide in English. In addition, it will solve all the doubts you have.
  Individual:  5€
           Over 65s: 4€
           Students under 25 years: 4€
           People with functional diversity:  4€
           Children under 8 years old: free
  • July 1 to November 1 Monday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • November 2 to March 31. Sunday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday and holidays from 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • April 1 to June 30. Sunday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturday and holidays from 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

4. St. Peter’s Church

The Iglesia de San Pedro, it is one of the oldest churches in Cuenca, it is built on top of an old mosque. It is easily recognized, because it is octagonal.
It has three naves, which are separated by semicircular arches that are supported by Tuscan columns. The headboard is rectangular. The Chapel and sacristy are attached to the south wall. In the northwestern part, we find a square tower where the Baptism Chapel is located. The church is covered with different styles of vaults.
Outside we can see those of the north and south wall, which are very similar. On the south facade, we find an image of the Virgin. And the stable tower, which is topped by the bell tower.
          Tuesday to Saturday: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
           Sundays: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

5. Barrio Judió o Barrio de San Miguel  

It is located very close to the Plaza Mayor, it is an area where you can breathe peace. We will enter it through an ogival arch, and we will begin to go down some stairs to the neighborhood itself, we will glimpse the Church of the Virgen de la Luz and the Hospital de Santiago, and if we look down we can see the Júcar river .
As we continue down, we will be contemplating a part of this neighborhood, with its houses on the sides and at the end the Church of San Miguel, in the Romanesque style, although only the apse remains from that moment, what we see is from the 15th-18th centuries .
When we have already descended all the stairs, another pointed arch leads us towards the descent of the souls, and you will come out to a small square where there are two shields and a wonderful viewpoint from where you can see the skyscrapers of the Barrio de San Juan.

6. Barrio del Castillo 

Located in the highest part of the city, the name of the neighborhood is due to the fact that the Andalusian fortress was located here (9th century) and later converted into a castle after the Christian conquest. In 1325, King Alfonso XI gave this building to Don Juan. During the reign of the Catholic Monarchs, the demolition of the castle was ordered to end the defense systems of the feudal lords.
From the seventeenth century, on the grounds of what was the castle, the seat of the Court of the Inquisition was built, also being used as a provincial jail. This building was partially destroyed in 1812. During the War of Independence and to this day it is the headquarters of the Provincial Historical Archive.
Of what was the castle, dated in the thirteenth century, we conserve the Arch of Bezudo, a rectangular tower, fragments of the Caliphate wall. What we contemplate today does not correspond to the original fortress, but to a part of it that is part of other constructions.
The Castillo neighborhood is a unique place, because from here you can simultaneously contemplate the river of the Júcar and the Huécar.

7. La Calle Alfonso VIII 

It will be one of the most iconic images and international standard bearer of Cuenca. It is located in the Plaza Mayor, it is the one that starts and connects with the lower part. A place like no other and worth seeing!
Before was called Alfonso VIII street, it was Correduría street, because here we found the main shops in the city. It was also the street of the prison, because it is here, even today we can see the shield on the facade of what was the prison. The Casa del Corregidor was also on this street.
From the Plaza Mayor, this lower street full of colorful facades on both sides, three or four storeys high. What is peculiar is found, in addition to the wide color, in the narrowness. As we see them today, it is the product of the renovations that were carried out during the 18th and early 19th centuries.
In all the buildings we find a peculiarity, a white frame on the windows and doors, do you know why? Well, when the cities still did not have electricity, it was quite normal for robberies to take place at night. The thieves entered by shielding the windows, and this gave the name that this white frame is known as "blincada", it was the alarm of the time.

8. Mangana Tower 

Moment of surprise when we got to Plaza Mangana, why does Cuenca have an Italian tower?
When we get to this place we find the monument to the Constitution of Gustavo Torner and the Tower. It is not known very well what year it was built, or what its name is (since mangana is a machine in Arabic). We know that in the 16th century it was remodeled, it is 28 meters high, it was crowned by a cross, a weather vane and a spire, where the clock that told the people of Cuenca was located.
Some consider that it was part of the old fortress, which was in this square and the adjoining streets, it is in the oldest place. And although it is true, that the archaeological remains that have appeared show the superposition of the different cultures that have passed through the city, from a Muslim fortress, a synagogue to Christian palaces. Most likely this tower was part of an Arab fortification.
The Mangana Tower has undergone various reforms throughout its life, after the War of Independence it had to be repaired due to the damage suffered.

9. Barrio de San Martín (The Skyscrapers of Cuenca) 

True like life itself, Cuenca has skyscrapers, it does not lack anything, it is normal for them to say that "Cuenca is unique."
The buildings that are closest to the Hoz del Huécar have the uniqueness of having two entrances, one from Calle Alfonso VIII and the other from the Barrio de San Martin. Some of the houses that face the sickle, have up to 10 heights, the Skyscrapers of Santa Catalina, are built suspended on the cliff, and you have to take into account the construction means of the time, so it had to be a challenge.

10. Ronda de Julian Romero

The beauty of Cuenca is that it has hundreds of corners and streets to walk through and get lost, and this will take you to know in depth and make the most of what the city has to give you. In this area that goes up from the Cathedral to the Castle district, we find some of the city's legendary and attractive spots, such as: the Christ of Pasadirzo, the Church of San Pedro, the old convent of San José or the viewpoints of Florencio Calas and Víctor de la Vega.

11. El Salvador, San Juan and La Trinidad

One of the least frequented places, but this allows you to enjoy tranquility and see how its people live.
We still glimpse the noble and conventual traces of the Middle Ages in the Barrio de El Salvador, such as; Church and Convent of the Servants of Jesus, Convent of La Benitas, Ermita de la Esperanza. Houses emblazoned, some of them witness to emblematic figures of Spanish erasmism, such as Alfonso de Váldes
The neighborhoods of La Trinidad and San Juan are the result of the growth suffered throughout the 14th and 15th centuries, where we can still see the door and tower of San Juan, the Renaissance façade and patio of what was the Palacio del Infantado, the building Palafox, which was raised by the bishop, an example of the illustration in Cuenca.

12. Los Miradores de Cuenca. 


Cuenca has privileged views and landscapes. When you visit this city, at least you have to look out breathe fresh air and let yourself be carried away by the peace it transmits.

We cannot forget that this beautiful city is located between two gorges, the river Júcar and the river Huécar. This causes that from the old town you have unparalleled views.

The best viewpoints in Cuenca.

  • The one with Gregorio de la Llana
  • Castle Quarter
  • The Hoz del Júcar
  • Mangana Square
  • San Miguel
  • Bezudo Arch
  • Florencio Cañas
  • Painter Victor de la Vega (next to the Christ of the Passage)

Get ready to take thousands of photos and have unique images!

logo_eat.jpgWhere to eat in Cuenca?

As in all places in Andalusia, Cuenca's gastronomy is spectacular. They have high quality products, such as the famous zarajos de Tarancón, the alaju, the morteruelo or the ajoarriero. We give you some recommendations to taste the typical foods of the area.

6 places to eat in Cuenca

    Restaurante El Banzo: We were delighted, it had been recommended to us because it was the Antigua Casa Eladio. It is located in the Parque del Huécar, in the downtown area of the city. We ordered morteruelo and lamb shoulder, it was touching heaven! Spectacular.
  • Taberna Albero: It has a great location, combining traditional food with elements of Asian cuisine. The chicken breasts are soy sauce and honey and the bao bread with shredded lamb is a scandal! And to crown it for dessert the chocolate sausage.
  • Raff San Pedro: Very close to the cathedral, we ordered ajoarriero and some migas, they also have local wines, which is the perfect combo. All exquisite!
  • Tasca del Arte: Good ubication. A lovely place, here we could taste the porridge, ratatouille with egg. All great and an exceptional quality price. They also invited us to a shot of resoli, a typical liquor from Cuenca. 
  • Restaurante San Juan Plaza Mayor: An unbeatable location, between the Town Hall and the Cathedral, it has a daily menu both on weekdays and on weekends.
  • Asador María Morena: It is very curious that at the door there is a monument to the visitor, that already invites you to enter. It is right at the Mirador del Barrio del Castillo, which makes it have privileged views. We ate deer chorizo, gazpacho pastor, and the best thing was the wine we chose to accompany the meal, a "Dominio de Fontana". I understood the gods when they drank ambrosia!

10 typical dishes of Cuenca 

    • Ajoarriero: It is made from potatoes, garlic, eggs and olive oil, and then it is crushed in a mortar. It is considered that the origin is found in the muleteers, who used this formula to preserve food during long journeys and months at the fair. Gradually, it was carried out in inns and sales, and thus it became popular gastronomic culture. In areas of La Mancha it is known as atascaburras. It is a delicacy that you cannot miss.
    • Morteruelo: Dish of medieval origin, which is born in Cuenca. It is a strong stew, which is made with pork liver, small game meats and poultry (pork loin, chicken or rabbit or hen) and seasoned with spices and grated hard bread, and everything is crushed and mixed in a mortar. , hence the name it has. Do not stop to think what ingredients it contains, try it, it is an addictive delicacy !!
    • Pastor Gazpacho: As its name suggests, it is a simple, shepherd's dish. They made it with the ingredients they had on hand. It is a very representative dish of Cuenca. It is made with different types of game meat and a kind of omelette is made and is accompanied by grapes.
    • Zarajos (of Tarancón): They are made with lamb meat, specifically with the most tender casings, a skein is formed around a piece of cane. It is presented cut into slices, they are passed through the grill with a little olive oil or you can add garlic and parsley and lemon or without anything. Although they say they are from Cuenca, and you will find them in bars or restaurants. The reality is that they are original and typical of Tarancón, a town in the province that is close to the capital.
    • Gachas: They are salty!! They are made with almortas flour (which he takes from a legume). It is a traditional dish in the Castilian gastronomy of La Mancha. The pork meat is first fried and then in that oil the pea flour mixed with the paprika is fried and water is added, stirring until it thickens. Serve it, and dip bread With this food then you have to do a good hiking route, because you will be prepared to endure it and not be cold. One of the best dishes! 
    • Migas: It is the demonstration that the grandmother works miracles with what is left over. They are made with stale bread cut into small pieces, they are fried in the oil to fry the meat (the same as with the porridge) and with some garlic, they are well patched that they are fried but without overdoing it. When they are ready to eat, they are accompanied with grapes and with the meat, chorizo.
    • Cheeses: Cuenca and province, and the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha itself, has exquisite and unique cheeses in the world, which has its own Designation of Origin. In addition, some have achieved "the Oscar" for the best cheese, as in the case of the cheeses from the Quesos Artesanos Villarejo cheese factory in the town of Villajero de Fuentes.
    • Alajú: It is a sweet type of Cuenca, made with honey. Essence of orange and toasted almonds and covered by wafers. The name of this dessert comes from the Andalusian period, which means "like God". 
    • Resolí: It is the typical liquor of Cuenca. It has a very characteristic flavor, it is usually taken alone or with ice after the meal, and it can be accompanied with a sweet. The recipe is almost secret, little is known about it, it includes anise and coffee.
    • Denomination of Origin Wines: If you go to Cuenca, you must try its wines, because they pair with any dish of its gastronomy. You will find several D.O .: D.O Vinos de Úcles, D.O. Ribera del Jucar Wines, D.O Vino de Manchuela. 


yoorney family logo.pngCuenca with children

Are you going to travel to Huelva with the little ones? It has all the attractions to fully enjoy with the family. ¿Vas a viajar a Cuenca con los más pequeños? Cuenta con todos los atractivos para disfrutar al máximo en familia. From getting on a historical train to entering the world of Dinosaurs or discovering the Planets that are in our Universe. Spending a vacation in Cuenca with children can be a lot of fun!
Take a look at the best plans for adults and children in the province of Cuenca. Are you in?

Paleontological Museum of Castilla-La Mancha


Do you know what Jurrasic Park exists and is in Cuenca? It is so, and our dear friend Pepito the dinosaur who will make you a wonderful visit to his house, the Paleontological Museum and do different workshops.

During the tour of the different rooms you will find spectacular reproductions and a large quantity of the remains that have been found in different sites in the community, where some are more than 550 million years old.

 The little ones (and the big ones) will love the world of dinosaurs. Only here some species can be seen, play to find them!


Tourist Train


If you decide to go to Cuenca with the children, an easy and comfortable way to see the city and discover it is the tourist train. Where you can visit the main monuments and streets of the city, but in a relaxed and quiet way. In an hour of travel, you will discover quite a few curiosities of this city.

Castilla-La Mancha Science Museum 


In this place, it is not just a museum, inside it you can see what different elements that we find in our day to day smell smell like. But best of all, it has a time machine, where when you ride you will go until more than 1 million years ago and discover the mysteries of Evolution and life.

You will meet astronauts, you will discover the secrets that meteorology keeps, the exploration of Mars. You can see how our human body works when we are asleep or awake.

In the Planetarium you will have the opportunity to take a 3D trip through the Universe, seeing and almost being able to touch the planets, satellites and stars that surround us.

 On the website of the Museum of Sciences of Castilla-La Mancha you can find all the information about schedules, rates, guided visits, workshops. 

The Eyes of the Moor 


Cuenca is located between two gorges (Júcar and Huécar), and if you suddenly feel observed by the mountain, do not fear, they are the eyes of the Moor! In all this there is a legend; the one that says that after the Christian conquest of Cuenca, some Andalusians decided to stay, and how could it be otherwise, the love was born between a beautiful Muslim woman and a Christian soldier, it was a forbidden love, they had to see each other in secret. They wanted to marry the young woman to a Muslim, whom she rejected and he wounded, decided to follow the young woman and discovered her secret.

The young Christian and the beautiful Muslim decided to marry in secret, the young woman stayed for hours and hours waiting for her loved one to come, but she never appeared, because ... if you want to know more, go see this magical place. 

The Enchanted City


If you go to Cuenca with children, visit the Enchanted City, you cannot miss it, here you will enjoy young and old. It is located in the Natural Park of the Serranía de Cuenca, the Enchanted City. It is an enclave with more than 90 million years. The erosion of water, wind and ice has been shaping this place. It is a circular route, approximately three kilometers long, which is perfectly signposted. During the tour you will have the opportunity to contemplate the curious shapes that have been formed, such as the famous screw, the crocodile ... you must let your imagination fly.

The Route of Faces


It is next to the Buendía Swamp. In this place you will be able to contemplate how the rocks of the swamp have nothing more and nothing less than 18 sculpted faces and some reach up to 8 meters high. It is a free and short route, so you will have time if you want to know the environment.

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You're a #petlover and are looking for the perfect holiday plans to enjoy with your furry friends? The province of Cuenca invites you to enjoy the landscape and the song that awaits. In an environment of a medieval city, of Roman remains, of mountains. Towns and corners full of history await you and your pet.

Tourism and getaways with pets have grown in Cuenca over the last few years. More and more hotels and restaurants have hung the Pet Friendly sign on their doors. A getaway with your dog is one of the most unforgettable adventures you can have.

Cuenca is a #petfriendly city and that is how we have lived it. We have been able to do a lot of activities with our dogs! While other cities are still "not so modern" in this sense, it is not the case with Cuenca.

Places to go with dogs in Cuenca 

  • Old Town: You can breathe that essence of a medieval city, we kick the area without leaving a corner without seeing.
  • Ruins of the Castle. They are from Roman times, currently there are only remains, but it is a place where the views of the Hoz del Huécar and the Hanging Houses are impressive.
  • Birth of the Cuervo River: It is a beautiful place. It is located at more than 1400 meters high, take into account the time of year in which it leaves, since it depends on the moment it drags more or less water as it is a birth. The best time to go is winter or spring.
  • Los Callejones de Las Majadas: It is in the highlands as well, and it is a magnificent place to disconnect and for our pet to enjoy, and it was also the scene of one of the 007 movies "The World is Never Enough."
  • Places to eat: the vast majority allow entry with dogs. A stamp indicates it on the door but do not hesitate to ask an employee. We had no problem.

Pet-friendly hotels in Cuenca

If you are one of those who like to travel with your dog, there are more and more hotels that allow pets.

Accessible Cuenca



Adapted tourism still seems a pending issue for many provinces, is this the case in Cuenca? We were able to experience it first-hand and here are some of our favorite adapted and accessible places: 

  • Historic Center: It is true that due to its location in between two gorges, it causes the old part of the city to have slopes, cobbled and narrow streets. But while it is true, that as a whole it is passable. In addition, having a tourist train allows you to see the whole of the old area without problem.
  • Museums: The various museums that the city has, the Science Museum, the Paleontological Museum, the Holy Week Museum, are completely accessible, a marvel in the different aspects and fields that each one covers.

yoorney party 2.pngNightlife Cuenca

Enjoy the nightlife of Cuenca. These are some of our favorite places to party in Cuenca!

Love for beer in Cuenca 

If you like to go for beers, and you go to Cuenca, you cannot leave the city without trying the Taberna Jovi. Beer lover's heaven! You have to choose from more than a hundred from different countries, but you cannot leave without drinking a Cuenca craft beer that was awarded in 2015 and 2016 in Brussels.

Cocktails in Cuenca

For those who prefer cocktails, having a drink when leaving work or enjoying the night in Cuenca going out more quietly can be great destinations La Ronería de la Habana, The Golden Age, Cuenca or Grotte.

Live music in Cuenca

Cuenca has concert halls and a musical program that you are going to love. If you like live music, you have to stop by Sala Babylon, where we can enjoy the best local and national musical groups. Cafe K-PHE Hispano, in addition to live music, we also find temporary exhibitions.

Nightclubs in Cuenca

In Cuenca, the place to party and enjoy a good atmosphere and music of all kinds is La Calle, it is a narrow street where you can find different discos and pubs


The best nightlife in Cuenca. Perfect for having the first or last drink of the night.


How to get in Cuenca?

Whenever you have a destination in mind, one of your concerns is getting to the city. The main ways to get to Cuenca are by car, bus, train or plane.

How to get to Cuenca by car 

The most common option is by car. Although it all depends on the origin. We recommend accessing through the A-40 from Madrid and that connects with the A-3 at the height of Tarancón. From Valencia the ideal is to take the A-3 motorway towards Madrid. If we come from Andalusia, the best option is to take the A-4 until we reach the Ocaña detour and take A-40 that goes directly to Cuenca. If we come from the Almería area, we take the A-7 and then the A-30, which is the one that connects us with Albacete.

How to get to Cuenca by train 

There are many people who enjoy the train journey, so let's see how you can travel by rail to this unique city. In Cuenca-Fernando Zóbel Station it is very well connected with Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia by AVE.
And from the Cuenca Adif train station, there are medium-distance trains that connect us with some of the towns in the area.

How to get to Cuenca by bus 

If you decide to do it by bus, the Avanzabus company has connections with different parts of the province, Spain and Portugal. The bus station is located at Calle Fermín Caballero, 20.

The Rubiocar company connects with towns in the province.

How to get to Cuenca by plane

To get to Cuenca by plane, the closest international airports are the Barajas-Adolfo Suarez Madrid Airport and the Valencia Airport, the first one is at one hour and thirty-eight minutes and the second at two hours and eight minutes.

How to get around Cuenca

  • Bus
  • Bike 
  • Taxi


33 most beautiful towns to visit in Cuenca

We mark you our favorites!
  1. Ucles isotipo-yoorney-morado-letras-blancas copia 2.png
  2. Noheda 
  3. Valeria 
  4. Beteta
  5. Uña 
  6. Las Majadas 
  7. Villalba de la Sierra 
  8. Arcos de la Sierra 
  9. Boniches 
  10. Sailices- Yacimiento arquelógico de Segobriga 
  11. Belmonte isotipo-yoorney-morado-letras-blancas copia 2.png
  12. Huete isotipo-yoorney-morado-letras-blancas copia 2.png
  13. Alarcón 
  14. Buendía 
  15. San Clemente isotipo-yoorney-morado-letras-blancas copia.png
  16. Priego isotipo-yoorney-morado-letras-blancas copia.png
  17. Villanueva de la Jara isotipo-yoorney-morado-letras-blancas copia 2.png
  18. Huélamo 
  19. Castillo de Garcimuñoz isotipo-yoorney-morado-letras-blancas copia 2.png
  20. Enguídanos 
  21. Cañete 
  22. Mota del Cuervo isotipo-yoorney-morado-letras-blancas copia 2.png
  23. Santa Cruz de Moya 
  24. La Huerta del Marquesado 
  25. Buenache de la Sierra 
  26. Arcas y Villar del Saz de Arcas
  27. Minglanilla 
  28. Carboneras de Guadazón
  29. Cardenete 
  30. Cañada del Hoyo 
  31. Cañizares 
  32. Landete 
  33. Tarancón isotipo-yoorney-morado-letras-blancas copia.png  

Cuenca general information  



   Magnet of the Hanging Houses

     Resoli Bottle of the Hanging Houses



     Wine D.O. Úcles

     DO Úcles wine and wine products 



Ocio Cuenca
Educación y Cultura

Ayuntamiento de Cuenca
Guía del Ocio Cuenca
Descubre Cuenca



    Carreteria street 
Shopping Center El Mirador 
    Shopping Center  Alcampo  
   Historical Center  



Map of Cuenca

In this urban map of Cuenca you can locate the main monuments and places of interest that we have described in the article. We want you to make the most of your visit, so try to take into account all the sites that we have mentioned.

But don’t worry if you miss out on some of these highlights! It is always good to have an excuse to come back to this beautiful city in Spain.

How to use the interactive map of Cuenca?

We have indicated different colors for each area of recommendation.

Cuenca Transport Map

Did you like this Cuenca travel guide? We hope you find it very useful. We have really enjoyed creating it and visiting all these places enchating places.
  The best way to see and visit Cuenca: Take a free tour 

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